Quad Cities Community Foundation

Our mission is to transform the Quad Cities region through the generosity of donors. At the Quad Cities Community Foundation, we work to be your most trusted resource for community generosity. That’s why, for 60 years, we have partnered with individuals and families, businesses and nonprofits, to create and grow charitable gifts that address our region’s most promising opportunities and pressing needs. When we do this together, transformation can happen.


The National Organization for Women is the largest feminist organization in the United States with around 500,000 members. NOW is regarded as one of the main feminist organizations in the US, and primarily lobbies for gender equality within the existing political system. NOW campaigns for constitutional equality,economic justice, reproductive rights, LGBTQIA+ rights and racial justice, and against violence against women.

Community Health Care, Inc.

Community Health Care, Inc. (CHC) offers primary, preventive, acute and chronic care, as well as dental, behavior health, OB/GYN, laboratory, pharmacy, school-based health, WIC, nutrition, and health education services. Without CHC, many patients would be forced to rely on emergency rooms for their primary care, or they would go without care altogether. In recent years, CHC has made great strides, many of which were made possible with the assistance of generous donors in the Quad Cities area. The number of patients that CHC serves on an annual basis has grown to more than 45,000 individuals, more than 10 percent of the Quad City's total population.


NEST Cafe is a nonprofit, pay-what-you-can restaurant in Rock Island committed to providing delicious, nutrient-dense meals to everyone, regardless of their financial abilities.

The ARTery

The ARTery is the Quad Cities newest gallery and pottery studio. More than 20 local ARTists are represented in the gallery. They offer classes, lessons & pottery workshops in their studio.”


3913 14th ave, Rock Island, IL


Giving every child the foundation for a safe, healthy childhood is our top priority.

EveryChild, formerly known as the Child Abuse Council, is a bi-state, regional nonprofit agency that provides child abuse prevention, education, and treatment programs for children and families. Our mission is to lead community efforts to eliminate child abuse and neglect by strengthening children and families through treatment, education and prevention.  You see, what happens before kindergarten matters. Zero to five is a critical period for children’s development. That’s why we focus on the earliest years in a child’s life to ensure a strong start for a healthy future. When you engage with our organization, you gain access to a wealth of resources, from educational programs and our connections in the community to our expert staff and people who can simply listen. Sharing what we know about how to give kids safe, healthy childhoods and improve lives in the long term is our passion. 

The Artsy Bookworm

The Artsy Bookworm will be offering information about and a display of banned books and a handout with information on our local libraries, including whom to contact to request that a book be purchased. This is one simple way in which one can have a small activist impact. There will be a display of books on intersectionality, along with a handout to try on some thinking about intersectionality. Finally, we will have a display and donation box for our childhood literacy initiative Planting Books - Seeds 4 a Better Future, a 501c3 not-for-profit organization aiming to supply high-quality books to children at the Rock Island Academy to expand their reading opportunities.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center

At the Martin Luther King Jr, Center  we hope to inspire greatness in the Quad Cities through community-building, education and service. That is why at the MLK we offer a variety of youth prevention services, such as substance and Teenage pregnancy. We are inspired by our value of Safety to offer prevention lessons, menstrual products, contraceptives and more to ensure the safety of the community.

Sunlight Yoga

Sunlight Yoga + Apothecary is a business designed to help all humans press pause.  We share all aspects of the yoga tradition; movement, breathwork, meditation, and philosophy for our students so they can use the tools yoga provides to rest, de-stress, and uncover your favorite version of yourself.  Our tea is an offshoot of this idea that pressing pause to do something that brings you pleasure and joy--and pouring yourself a cup of tea is the nicest way to remind yourself that your care and healing matters.

The Project

Based in Moline, IL, The Project of the Quad Cities has served the community since its founding in 1986. TPQC provides healthcare services and support to a variety of communities including people living with HIV and the LGBTQ+ community. We adopt a holistic approach to care, looking at the entire person to understand the support they need. 

Our services include:

  • STD/HIV testing

  • On-site pharmacy

  • PrEP/PEP

  • Supportive services for people living with HIV

  • LGBTQ+ healthcare including gender affirming care

  • Harm Reduction

  • Behavioral Health

  • Prevention & education

  • And more!

Progressive Action for the Common Good

As progressives, we empower people to take action for positive change and social justice by coordinating a network of community forums and events aimed at educating and engaging citizens to work for the common good of all. Our core values are Social Justice, Empowerment, Diversity, Sustainability and Community.

Humility Homes & Services

At Humility Homes & Services, we're dedicated to creating lasting solutions to end homelessness in the Quad Cities community. Our mission is clear: to provide shelter, support, and resources to individuals and families facing housing instability.


Through our diverse programs, we offer not just a roof over someone's head but a path to stability and independence. We believe that everyone deserves a place to call home and work tirelessly to make this vision a reality.


Join us in our mission to build a more compassionate and inclusive community where homelessness is a thing of the past. Together, we're transforming lives, one person, one family, and one home at a time.

Learn more and get involved at www.humilityhomes.org

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of people worldwide.